What can YOU do for your church?
Here at Saint Patrick's Church, everyone is welcomed and encouraged to take part in the various ministries that we depend on to conduct each weekend liturgy. Take a look below and see if you are being called to perform one of these essential duties. Training is provided for each ministry at different times of the year and will always be announced. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the office or the coordinator for training, Mr. John Vasto.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist Father at the weekend liturgies to ensure that mass goes smoothly. Each mass has two servers, the server of the word, and server of the Eucharist. The server of the word holds the book for Father, while the server of the Eucharist will carry the processional cross in and ensure that the Altar table is prepared for Communion.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
Eucharistic Ministers or "Extraordinary Ministers of Communion" assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at weekend Masses. For each Mass, we need 4 Ministers (3 to distribute the Precious Blood with the Deacon, and 1 to assist Father distribute the Body of Christ). After Mass, Ministers would help to purify (clean) the sacred vessels and make sure the linens are set out for the next mass.
Lectors proclaim God's spoken word at mass. Time is taken to carefully prepare and rehearse the readings for your assigned mass at home, then when you arrive at Church, the Lectionary is waiting for you to reivew it in the Sacristy. Lectors are given workbooks to be able to go over the readings at home.
Ushers make sure that people are seated and are comfortable before Mass begins. The "Head" usher for the assigned mass will make sure that the congregation is counted and recorded in the book in the back of church. The Ushers will also take up the collection during Offertory time.
Greeters do exactly what you think they do! You are the first people that our parishioners will see when they enter Church every weekend! It is nice to have someone to say hello and give them a big smile, maybe a hug. At St. Patrick's Church, we try to be an open and welcoming community. We try to live out our motto that "All are Welcome"!
Canting is one of the hardest roles in the church. Don't let that deter you though! It's a very rewarding ministry. Working with the Director of Music, you will prepare the Psalm and Gospel Acclamation every weekend and proclaim them when it's time at Mass. As the song leader for the church, you work to encourage the congregation to participate as much as possible in singing the hymns and responses. Ongoing recruitment and training is available.
Camera Ministry
Our Church is very fortunate to have one of the only LIVE feed of a weekend mass in the diocese! In order to keep this ministry alive, we need more people to help run the camera each weekend so that the homebound parishioners can see what we are all about! For many homebound parishioners, our televised Mass is the only Mass they attend all week. We recieve many letters and donations as a result of this ministry and need help to keep it going.